Duo Picture Frame is a gesture based image viewer that supports very high-res pictures, and allows zooming to reveal all the original picture details.
It's free, with no ads or in-app purchases, and no user tracking of any kind.
Pinch zoom or tap + drag on kitkat to zoom in and out.
Scroll (pan) the zoomed image with your finger.
Double tap to fit the picture to the screen (first double tap fits both dimensions to view the entire picture, second double tap fits just one dimension).
Use Picture Frame to open images from other applications (like QuickOffice or a file manager) or you can open an image directly from the app itself.
Supported image sources include:
- http and https (that's why we require the internet permission)
- intents (data streams coming from other apps)
- files
You can save the image to the Download or Pictures directory (useful when the image was opened from another app that doesn't include any save or export option).
Unlike most other image viewers, there's a progress indicator during the loading of large files so let you know that the app is working and not frozen.
If you like the app, please consider donating (we have a donation app, there's a link to it in the app's about page). This will also help us bring you more quality free apps with no ads.
Duo Picture Frame adalah sikap berbasis penampil gambar yang mendukung gambar yang sangat tinggi-res, dan memungkinkan zoom untuk mengungkapkan semua detail gambar aslinya.
Ini gratis, tanpa iklan atau in-app pembelian, dan tidak ada pelacakan pengguna apapun.
Pinch zoom atau ketuk + drag pada kitkat untuk memperbesar dan memperkecil.
Scroll (pan) gambar yang diperbesar dengan jari Anda.
Tekan dua kali untuk menyesuaikan gambar ke layar (pertama double tap cocok kedua dimensi untuk melihat seluruh gambar, kedua tap ganda cocok hanya satu dimensi).
Gunakan Picture Frame untuk membuka gambar dari aplikasi lain (seperti QuickOffice atau file manager) atau Anda dapat membuka gambar langsung dari aplikasi itu sendiri.
Sumber gambar yang didukung antara lain:
- Http dan https (itu sebabnya kita memerlukan izin internet)
- Maksud (aliran data yang berasal dari aplikasi lain)
- Files
Anda dapat menyimpan gambar ke Download or Pictures direktori (berguna ketika gambar dibuka dari aplikasi lain yang tidak termasuk menyimpan atau opsi ekspor).
Tidak seperti kebanyakan pemirsa gambar lain, ada indikator kemajuan selama pemuatan file besar sehingga membiarkan Anda tahu bahwa aplikasi bekerja dan tidak beku.
Jika Anda menyukai aplikasi, mohon pertimbangkan berdonasi (kami memiliki aplikasi sumbangan, ada link ke dalam halaman tentang app). Ini juga akan membantu kami membawa Anda lebih banyak kualitas aplikasi gratis tanpa iklan.
Duo Picture Frame is a gesture based image viewer that supports very high-res pictures, and allows zooming to reveal all the original picture details.
It's free, with no ads or in-app purchases, and no user tracking of any kind.
Pinch zoom or tap + drag on kitkat to zoom in and out.
Scroll (pan) the zoomed image with your finger.
Double tap to fit the picture to the screen (first double tap fits both dimensions to view the entire picture, second double tap fits just one dimension).
Use Picture Frame to open images from other applications (like QuickOffice or a file manager) or you can open an image directly from the app itself.
Supported image sources include:
- http and https (that's why we require the internet permission)
- intents (data streams coming from other apps)
- files
You can save the image to the Download or Pictures directory (useful when the image was opened from another app that doesn't include any save or export option).
Unlike most other image viewers, there's a progress indicator during the loading of large files so let you know that the app is working and not frozen.
If you like the app, please consider donating (we have a donation app, there's a link to it in the app's about page). This will also help us bring you more quality free apps with no ads.